Tag Archive | Achievements

Just Breathe

Life can be very busy. I often feel that I am running a never ending race. Don’t get me wrong I am grateful that I have lots to do and that I am able to do so much.

A busy life can be very fulfilling. I love the feeling of achievement and pride, when I have finished my Daily To Do List, and that feeling of calm I get at the end of the day when I am happy and content with what I have done.

A busy life can also be very stressful at times. Knowing what you would like to achieve is easy, but sometimes it is out of our control what happens in a day.

My best advice to get through life….

Just Breathe


World Teachers Day

World Teachers Day is a day to raise awareness of the importance of the role played by teachers all over the world.

It is especially important to me a my husband has been teaching for the last ten years.

The responsibility of educating future generations is not to be taken lightly.

So today, along with every day be kind and support our teachers.

World Teachers Day image

LIFE - Love Inspiring Friends Everywhere

Our Travels

Our Travels

We travel many roads in life

some to get us somewhere

others to escape something

or may be just for a change of scenery.

Much of our travel may be chosen

we are given a path we must follow

others we just take not knowing

where they are headimg or where they will stop.

We may go alone to find ourselves

who we are

where we are from

where we are going.

We may have company 

to guide and support.

a helping hand, a person with experience

to help us find our way as they did theirs.

No matter where we travel

we will never forget where we have been

and never stop dreaming

where we want to go.

When did you first realise you were a writer?

When did you first realise you were a writer?

I was asked this question recently, and it left me speechless. All I could manage to say was “I’m not a writer”. Then I changed the subject.

I have since thought about this question many times.

I now have an answer.

I love to write.

I love everything about it.

I am totally addicted to notebooks, sticky note and novelty pens.

I love the way it feels when I put pen to paper.

I love being able to write sown my thoughts, ideas and plans.

I love the feeling that maybe my words talk to other people.

So whether I am a writer or not, I believe that you should….

do what you love and do it often

You can get through it

For all those out there having a tough day, I am sending you my best wishes and hope you find this helpful, I know it gives me inspiration when I am searching for it.
