What if….

What if there was less violence in this world….

What if there was more kindness in this world….

What if we all respected each other….

What if we all looked after each other….

What if we all had a safe place to be….

What if we all appreciated what we have….

What if we could all be happy….

What if we could change the world….

What if we stopped asking what if and started trying to make this world a better place….

What if we all took a moment to do something everyday to help someone….

A better world


I wasn’t ready for it….

If I was to tell you about one event I wasn’t ready for, it all begins with two little words….

Heart Failure.

Heart Failure is something I have just been through and am still recovering from.

I was diagnosed with a hole in my heart when I was 18 months old and had open heart surgery when I was 8 and a half years old. Until a few months ago I had been doing very well.

In February at the age of 34 I got a chest infection, which is a usual ailment for me once the weather changes and it gets a bit cold. The infection however didn’t go away and I continued to get new and different symptoms. I knew something was wrong, but I didn’t know just how wrong until I went to my Cardiologist and he put me straight in hospital.

After a lot of tests I finally got my diagnosis….Heart Failure, which means my heart was not pumping how it should be and was beating way too fast.

Six weeks later and I am slowly recovering. I am on a lot of medication and attend Cardiac Rehab twice a week, at the moment.

The hardest part of all this for me is not being able to do all I want to do. Even now I have to remind myself, slow down, take it easy.

I know that my recovery will take time and while I am very hopeful I will get back to my old self again, I do fear there will be times when I get frustrated with it all.

When times get tough I just try to concentrate on what I have and what I can do.

My new motto….

A grateful heart



The Little Things That Make Me Happy

The Little Things That Make Me Happy

* Listening to music – I love knowing that however I feel if I just put on some music it will make me smile. Music inspires me when I need it and brings back so many precious memories. Music always make me smile.

Turning into my driveway and seeing my home – it makes me happy to know that after I have been out I get to turn into the driveway and see the home that my husband and I work so hard for. It makes me so proud and happy.

* Spending time with family and friends – we all get so busy and it is often hard to catch up, but when we can spend time together it puts a smile on my face.

Spending time with family and friends – we all get so busy and it is often hard to catch up, so when we can spend time together it puts a smile on my face

* Eating chocolate – what can I say….YUMMY

* Completing my daily To Do List it makes me happy to know that I have achieved what I set out to do.

* Watching my dog running around and playing with her toys – our dog Shelby is so funny (especially when she cannot see you). She never fails to make me happy.

* Sunday brunch – our very own little tradition on Sundays. My hubby makes bacon and eggs for brunch. So yummy and precious time together makes me happy.

* Looking at photos – what a fantastic way to relive our glory days, to see how far we have come and to spend time with people we miss. Cherish them, they will put a smile on your face.

* Receiving mail from our World Vision Sponsor Child – getting mail that isn’t bills is always nice. However nothing makes me happier than receiving mail from or about our sponsor child. It makes me happy to see how she is growing and learning.

 It's The Little Things


Random Act Of Kindness – Smile At A Stranger

We all know the sayings:

“We all smile in the same language.”

“Smiling is the best way to face every problem, to crush every fear, to hide every pain.”

“A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear.”

But my favourite is….


So today, along with every day….

Smile At A Stranger


Just Breathe

Life can be very busy. I often feel that I am running a never ending race. Don’t get me wrong I am grateful that I have lots to do and that I am able to do so much.

A busy life can be very fulfilling. I love the feeling of achievement and pride, when I have finished my Daily To Do List, and that feeling of calm I get at the end of the day when I am happy and content with what I have done.

A busy life can also be very stressful at times. Knowing what you would like to achieve is easy, but sometimes it is out of our control what happens in a day.

My best advice to get through life….

Just Breathe
